Brikk announced on Monday that it will offer 14 luxury versions of the next iPhone including 24-carat yellow gold, 24-carat pink gold and pure platinum finishes for the anticipated 4.7-inch 128 GB model. The bling-obsessed can also add over a carat of white diamonds to embellish the Apple logo on the phone back.
Clearly, Brikk is not doing this with Apple’s explicit blessing as most companies would not appreciate a partner scooping them on their own product announcement.
According to Brikk’s release:
And indeed, Brikk concedes that it is playing the iPhone 6 guessing game right along with everyone else on its pre-order site, which warns: “specifications, images and information cannot be guaranteed and is subject to change based on the actual release of the iPhone 6 by Apple Corporation.”Each piece is disassembled inside Brikk’s state-of-the-art laboratory in Los Angeles, USA by a team of highly skilled engineers. They are hand polished, prepared and plated with five layers of diverse metals before their final plating in either two layers of gold or platinum.
To get in line for the opportunity to pay between $4,495 and $8,395 for what’s currently a piece of ostentatious vaporware, you’ll need to put down a nonrefundable $500 deposit with your pre-order. Brikk says it will ship within 3-4 weeks of the official iPhone release and offers a 1-year warranty, which is handy since the production process almost certainly voids Apple’s own iPhone warranty.
(By forbes )